Veneers are dental appliances that are made of porcelain. They are very thin wafer-like structures and are bonded on to the frontal surface of a tooth. They have several aesthetic and functional uses.
It takes two or more visits to the dentist's office to get a veneer. During the first visit, the dentist will prepare the tooth and take the measurements for the veneer. During the next visit, the dentist bonds the veneer to the tooth.
Screening and diagnosis: The dentist carefully checks the tooth, which requires the veneer. He then evaluates the extent of structural damage (chipping, cracks, or fracture) or discoloration and decides whether or not the tooth requires a veneer.
Veneers are highly durable and should last for up to 10 years when taken care of well.
Veneers are resistant to staining and discoloration, provided proper oral hygiene is maintained.
The porcelain covers the front, back, and sides of the tooth, protecting the tooth and its enamel from damage. Because the porcelain is so strong, it does not wear or chip easily.
Veneers do not chip easily. Patients who take care of their veneers will not have to worry about damaging them.
Because porcelain veneers are thin, they are able to be placed without removing much enamel from the tooth. This means that the structure of the tooth is not changed much.
Veneers look natural and blend in well. They are made of thin porcelain coverings that fit right over the front of teeth. This makes them look very natural and seamless, so it does not look as though a person has any dental work. When they are buffed and polished, they look like natural teeth.
Veneers provide strength and support to the tooth. The veneer is bonded to the tooth, so it can support and strengthen the tooth. Its presence protects the tooth from fracturing or cracking.
Veneers can last for ten years or longer if you take care of them! In order to keep them looking great, you'll need to:
Veneers are thin porcelain shells that fit over your teeth. They are custom designed for your smile. Veneers cover the front of the tooth, giving it a white, bright appearance that looks natural. They are resistant to staining, durable, and resistant to chips. So, if you have any dental flaws like minor teeth misalignment, gaps between your teeth, dark or yellowed teeth, or worn-down teeth, Veneers in Pearland, TX, are an ideal option to fix them.
Please schedule an online appointment or call us at (281) 997-8996 to have a consultation with Dr. Bello, and we will be happy to help.
8209 Broadway St, Suite 104
Pearland, TX, 77581
Manhattan Dental
8209 Broadway St, Suite 104
Tel: (281) 997-8996
MON - THU : 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
FRI - SUN : Closed